Contre/Bandes – an art festival in Liege, Belgium aimed at breaking various stereotypes through different forms of art. Together with my fellow artist Marine Ruby we created an interactive performance called “LE CLUB” (yes, it is an allusion to the book “Fight Club” by Chuck Palahniuk) “Le Club“ – a secret club where you can literally fight the gender which distracts you from being a perfect representative of the sex you were born with. The performance ridiculed everyday efforts to fit gender into the stereotypes formed by society. The fighting ring had two gender representatives. Femininity was presented by myself and masculinity by artist Thibaud Dierickx. Marine Ruby was the host of the show, inviting members of the audience onstage, asking them questions about their personal lives and habits and, according to their answers, diagnosing which gender a person would have to fight with. For example – if you are a man, but you love washing dishes and you are not that interested in cars – you clearly need to fight the woman within you. This literal depiction of the fight, together with Marine Ruby’s brilliant sense of humor made a comical and playful show.
Contre/Bandes – tai Belgijoje vykstantis festivalis, kuris orientuotas į stereotipų laužymą per įvairias meno formas. Kartu su bičiule menininke Marine Ruby šiam festivaliui paruošėme interaktyvų performansą LE CLUB (aha, tai – aliuzija į Chucko Palahniuko knygą „Kovos klubas“). Performanso metu žiūrovai (savanoriai) buvo kviečiami ant scenos. Atsižvelgdama į atsakymus, Marine nustatydavo, kurios lyties žmoguje yra per daug. Jei moteriškos – tuomet reikėdavo kautis su „moteriškumu“, jei vyriškos – su „vyriškumu“. Moteriškumo personažas atiteko man, vyriškumą įkūnijo Thibaud Dierickx. Jei vienos ar kitos jėgos nepavykdavo nugalėti, Marine išrašydavo įvairių patarimų, kaip dar galima su tuo kovoti, pavyzdžiui, jei per daug vyriškumo, rekomenduojama nueiti į prekybos centrą. Šis performansas paremtas iki skausmo įgrisusiais stereotipais apie vyrus ir moteris bei ironizuoja kasdienę „kovą“ su savimi.