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This project was comissioned by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). I was invited to create a mural which would raise awareness about violence against woman. Every year since 2008 there has been a global call to action to increase awareness and share knowledge on various forms of violence against women. From advocacy groups to businesses to individuals, the world comes together for the cause.
Orange The World - international campaign by EIGE which I was honoured to be a part of. 2022 was dedicated to cyber violence, so my mural speaks about that.
I wanted to portray already empowered woman/girl, who already knows what cyber violence is and knows how to deal with it. So the PIN is the symbol of knowledge how to protect yourself and the BALLOON is the symbol of the cyber stalker.
Please read more about the project here
Photos by Patricija KontautaitÄ—
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